Members of the zodiac of Scorpio have a challenging year ahead with emotional ups and downs, confusions and endings. But not to worry as your inner strength comes to rescue and gives you the necessary push to get past the obstacles. It is worth noting that the universe is kind and you receive help in the nick of time and are presented with an array of choices to keep you going.

January to March – 8 of Cups 


The first three months are emotionally heavy on scorpio, as they prepare to take stock of what they have and embark on a journey to find inner satisfaction. This kind of journey may take place on a physical or emotional plane. You are leaving the comfort of the known and familiar and walking away to explore uncharted territories. Travel is indicative in the first 3 months. You may have everything you need that brings joy but the vagabond in you is in search of something more meaningful. A career move, break from a relationship, travel to a different city are all likely in the first quarter. Emotions may run deep. This journey, although not a very happy one, also brings the potential of expanding your horizon and the excitement of discovering new things. So instead of feeling lost, put on the ‘adventure’ cap and get ready for new pathways ahead.

April to June – 2 of Swords


This quarter brings choices and confusion. A decision has to be made but you are stuck wondering which way to turn. This period also indicates mental stress and you may postpone making any decision due to lack of clarity. Now, here’s what you need to know – clarity is available, if only you are willing to review all the pro’s and con’s of a situation before proceeding and view the situation from objective lenses. If involved in a conflict, it is advised to not make any silly moves and hold back from making rash decisions. Some of you may feel stuck, unable to move forward, choosing to ignore important affairs for the time being. Like the lady in the picture above, remember that you can always remove the blindfold and choose to go with an option, than wait for the puzzle to solve on it’s own.

July to September – Strength


This quarter, Scorpios find the courage and conviction to overcome all obstacles by relying on their inner strength. While drawing in this strength may not come easy and situations may call for extra efforts, keep in mind that you are your own best friend and if you really try, you can move mountains. Muster all your strength and move along headstrong. Resolutions are seen for long-term issues. You will also find help and support from a compassionate person who could be a friend, partner or a generous patron. Alternatively, you might be this generous and compassionate being, offering your support and love to someone in a difficult spot. Your message this quarter is to conquer your fears and raise your confidence levels. Results may be slow but you will able to resolve all issues and get the work done.

October to December – 10 of swords


Although, the energy of this phase looks dark with inevitable endings, this phase also signals the completion of difficulties. Something has to end in order to make room for new things and after the many challenges of the earlier months, a new day begins. Take care of your back and neck this quarter. In the end, all is well that ends well. Beware of backstabbers and two-faced people.

Career/Finances – 7 of Cups 

There are several options to choose from carrier wise and this is where confusion may arise. Each option looks equally tempting. Consider your choices after a thorough research, as all may not be what it seems like. Many creative ideas are conceived to propel a business or project. You are also advised to stop spending your time day dreaming and get on the action boat. It is also time to ask, where does your heart lie? What do you want professionally? Many opportunities to earn money will be presented.

Health – 6 of Pentacles

Scorpios experience plenty of improvement in health this year. Support is available and healing is indicated. In any emergency, you will receive the resources to cover your expenses. You are also advised to seek balance in whatever you do. Avoid over indulgence and stop taking your health for granted. Great year to start exercise programs, yoga, meditation, Pilates etc

Personal life – Page of Wands

This year is about adventure, seeking something new and Scorpios have passion on their mind. Flirty-ness is in the air and Scorpios approach romance keeping in mind the word – adventure. Physical attractions are indicated and you may have your heart-broken if you try to push for too much too soon. Current relationships experience much excitement and it wouldn’t hurt to come up with new ways of rekindling romance.



Scorpios, the fairies and angels advise you to let go of any emotional entrapment. This year, you undergo emotional healing from an old hurt and make way for new things. Seek professional help, if necessary and know that you deserve to be happy. Once you have decided to let go, you will find a new level of awakening within yourself,  which will allow you to enjoy your life to the fullest.

3 thoughts on “2015 TAROSCOPES SCORPIO

  1. Reblogged this on Essential Healing and commented:
    Scorpio Tarot reading for 2015 – very insightful!


  2. Very insightful, thank you!


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